Palm Sunday

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Mark 11: 1-11 – The procession to Jerusalem

I heard that Jesus and His disciples would be travelling to Jerusalem.

I rose early that morning and went to join the crowd who had started gathering. It was hot and dusty and people were getting very excited. Everyone looked very colourful in their best garments. I carried with me some reeds which I had cut from a field on the way.

In the distance I could hear singing and shouting and I pushed forward to get a better view. As the procession came closer, we placed our branches on the road and watched as Jesus, riding on a donkey, passed by.

People were waving palms and shouting “Hosanna to the Son of David” and “Hosanna in the highest.”

What a wonderful day! I had seen Jesus and will always remember Him.

I went home feeling blessed and very happy.


Mark Tetley