St Paul's Church Carlton



St Paul’s Carlton in the Willows

  • Keep an eye on our Facebook page for regular updates and links to our Youtube channel.

  • Our Youtube channel is updated every Sunday with that morning’s service. Please subscribe to receive alerts when these recordings go live.

  • A new look news sheet comes out monthly and is available from the church lobby.


Sunday services in MARCH

          2ND Service of the Word

          9th service of the word (WITH ASHING)

         16th All-age Service




Other groups and events

Tuesdays 10.30-11.30am Prayer Group

Wednesdays 7.30-9.00pm Bible Study

Thursdays 1.45-3.00pm Bible Study

Thursdays 10.30am-1.00pm Warm Spaces

St Paul’s is currently in vacancy.

 All general enquiries about church matters:


Phone: 01159 877671

Or via the Church website ‘ contact us’ form

 Bookings for baptisms, weddings and funerals:

Please contact the Gedling Deanery Office, Deanery Administrator



Hyacinth Buxton (Parish Safeguarding Officer)

Hyacinth Buxton 

Parish Safeguarding Officer 

St Pauls’ Carlton in the Willows  

5 Church St, Carlton, Nottingham NG4 1BJ 



Mobile: 07845 126350

(nb. this number is not manned 24/7)

If you have an immediate safeguarding concern please contact 999 - Police 


For Nottinghamshire MASH  

Concerns relating to a Child or Vulnerable Adult - 0300 500 8090 


For Nottingham City:   

Concerns relating to Children– Child and Families direct - 0115 876 4800 

Concerns relating to a Vulnerable Adult - 0300 131 0300  

Out of hours duty team - 0300 456 4546 


Please be aware we adhere to Diocese of Southwell  Safeguarding Policy and procedure.  For more detail please click on the link: Safeguarding - Diocese of Southwell & Nottingham (

There are lots of resources on the Southwell website for you to consider

If you have any other specific enquiries please see our Contact Us page


Church Life

The family of the church at St. Paul’s includes people of all ages and backgrounds.

Our Mission Statement is “Developing intentional relationships within the community, in order to join in with what God is already doing, to create a sense of belonging and to reveal Jesus”

As a church we see ourselves as...

  • a faith community

  • a caring community

  • a worshipping community

  • a serving community

  • a hopeful community

  • a learning community

  • a missionary community

Regulars and newcomers are always welcome to the Sunday Services that start at 10.00am and 6.00pm.

At St. Paul’s there are many opportunities to explore what it means to be a Christian.

As a church we want to make known through word and deed the good news about Jesus Christ. We also want to continue to practise the things that Jesus Christ stood for such as healing, forgiving, loving ourselves, loving one-another and even loving our "enemies".

Children and Young People

St. Paul's welcomes children and young people of all ages.

For very young children we have a family area at the side of the church well equipped with toys. Children and young people have Bible-based activities and learning running alongside the morning service. We call these activities Cool Kids.

At Cool Kids we provide age appropriate bible based teaching, singing, praying, play and craft activities for children from three years upwards. We meet in different areas of the church, whilst the adults continue with their service. Our aims are:

· To give the children a foundational understanding of Christian truth in a safe and loving environment.

· To enable them to develop and grow, to question and to learn, as well as making friends and having fun.

Once a quarter the morning service is designed for all age groups.

Our Church is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, and adults, particularly the vulnerable, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The link below is for The Church of England Safeguarding Website, St. Paul's takes safeguarding very seriously and all of our PCC members have now completed the relevant safeguarding training.

Groups and Activities

There are various groups which meet at St. Paul's on a regular basis.

Uniformed Organisations - St. Paul's has an active group of uniformed organisations for boys and girls of all ages.

We are also currently starting up two home groups in church – one on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm and one on Thursday afternoons at 1.45pm. For more details contact: